Our extensive menu of lawn and landscape services allow us to produce masterpiece lawns and enviable hardscape creations. Installed expertly, affordably, and efficiently, you are guaranteed superior results. We customize the design and implementation of your lawn and landscape to your needs. You’re welcome to be as involved in the process as you wish.
The following services will leave you with a lush, lavish lawn and landscape.
- Fine Grading
- Drill Seeding
- Sodding: Sales & Installation
- Soil Conditioning
- Harley Raking
- Lawn Maintenance
- Overseeding
- Irrigation: Installation & Repair
- Tree and Shrub Planning
- Snow Removal
- Mulch
- Flood Repair
- Sump Pump
- Snow Removal
- Retaining Walls
- Paving
- Decorative Concrete
- Patios
- Concrete Curbing
- Landscape Rocks
The Vital Lawn Service
Yard Grading is Essential to the overall success of your lawn!
We must stress the importance of grading before lawn installation. After you purchase your home, dirt must be leveled off. All lawns need a grade for efficient water drainage. Finally, after the grading is intact, we can prepare the seeding and sodding.
Overseeding Warranty
Why We Can Offer a Warranty on our Overseeding Methods
The John Deere Overseeder is exclusive to the Fargo-Moorhead area. Haugen’s Landscaping owns the only machine capable of repairing damaged yards or poorly seeded yards. This allows us to give a warranty on the yards we seed because we know we can repair them. The only option without this machine is costly time and labor, needed to try to rake the seed in or throw it on top of the ground. What we try to simulate is how sod is actually planted and grown, basically, we grow sod on your property. Sod is drill seeded, then overseeded a couple of times to fill it in, harvested and sold. Our equipment allows us to put the seed in the ground at precise levels, which enables better seed growth than hydro seeding and broadcasting of seed. That is why we are able to offer a warranty on our drill seedings.